Food Allergy Protocol
Food Allergy Protocol
The WCT leadership has updated our food allergy protocols, so we can strive together to create a safe and healthy environment.
Every effort will be made to check the list of ingredients to ensure that there are no peanuts or tree nuts in anything served at Woodlands Community Temple or on WCT sponsored trips and events.
• At the beginning of each school year, WCT lay leadership will be asked to remind their committees not to bring any food with peanuts or tree nuts into any meetings or events.
• Anyone utilizing the facilities for an event, and their caterers, will be notified about Woodlands’ food allergy protocols and required to sign a form acknowledging receipt and an agreement to comply. A reminder notice will be sent by the VP of Facilities three weeks before the event. If this protocol is violated, temple leadership will meet with the caterer and the facility user to address the situation.
• Items in gift bags (such as at Purim and Hanukkah) will not contain peanuts or tree nuts, and will be labeled with the names of the manufacturer/bakery. Whenever possible, ingredients will be listed.
• People who bring food for meals at WCT will be asked to label their dish’s ingredients. Note: Items on the serving tables are not supervised for cross-contamination, so attendees are advised to use caution in making appropriate food safety decisions.
• The Membership, Facility Use, and Kesher documents will be revised to reflect these protocol updates.
• Signs will be posted as a reminder of our food allergy protocols.
• All forms related to allergies will be updated or created as per these protocols.
• All teachers will be trained before classes start in the fall on reading food labels for ingredients, signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction, actions that need to be taken, and the proper use of an epinephrine auto-injector (epi-pen). Throughout the year, new staff members will receive training.
• Parents should notify the Director of Congregational Learning if their child has any allergies on the registration form and if applicable, provide the child’s Food Allergy Action Plan and medication to the Kesher office. The parent is responsible for replacing expired medication.
• The parent, together with the child’s medical provider, will determine if the student can self-carry and self-administer medication. This decision should be marked on the Food Allergy Action Plan form.
• The parent will educate their child regarding their specific allergies and stress the importance of not sharing food and only eating foods that come from home or are approved by the parent.
• The teachers are provided with students’ allergy information.
• Medication and allergy action plans will be stored in the Director of Congregational Learning’s office, which will remain unlocked during Kesher class time. Parents are responsible for managing their children’s allergy medication at WCT programs outside of Kesher class time.
• At the beginning of the year, and if a new student joins, an email will be sent home explaining which allergens are prohibited in the classroom.
• All parents are asked to make every effort to refrain from sending any products to school with these ingredients: peanuts, tree nuts, cereal bars with nuts, peanut or almond butter, chocolate nut spreads. Parents are asked to remind their children not to share their food. This letter will be resent midway through the school year as a reminder to families.
• If during class time, a Kesher student is showing signs or symptoms of an allergic reaction, the Food Allergy Action Plan will be followed. The Director of Congregational Learning will be alerted about the student’s allergic reaction, and the student’s parent/caregiver will be promptly contacted.
• If a student displays signs and symptoms of a life threatening allergic reaction, their Food Allergy Action Plan will be followed and 911 will be called. All actions taken will be reported to a parent/caregiver.
• When 911 is called, the student will be transported to the Emergency Room with a designated adult, if no family members are present.
Thu, September 19 2024
16 Elul 5784