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WCT Committees

Executive Committee — chaired by Jenna Lebowich, WCT President. Made up of the officers of the congregation, this group meets once a month to discuss matters to bring to the Board of Trustees and to act, when necessary and appropriate, if decisions must be made without adequate time to convene the full Board of Trustees.

Board of Trustees — chaired by Jenna Lebowich, WCT President. Elected leadership of the congregation. Meets monthly to discuss and determine synagogue policy. 

Jewish Life Committee — chaired by Lois Izes and Gail Hacker. With the Cantor and Rabbi, sets policy and supervises activities connected with Shabbat worship, religious observance, and holiday celebration.  

Adult Ed — chaired by Abby Hirsch and Mona Albala. Working closely with the Director of Congregational Learning, creates and implements a vision for ongoing, lifelong Jewish learning in our congregation. 

School Board — chaired by Hilary Archigian, School Board President. Oversight of the religious school. Elizabeth Hiller (VP Education) and Sarah Canfield-Dafilou (Director of Congregational Learning) are Ex-Officio members. 

Security Committee — chaired by Steve Luftig. 

Social Action Committee — co-chaired by Rabbi Joan Glazer Farber, Juli Fischer, and Jennifer Trevor Hochman. 

Finance Committee — chaired by Mike Scafidi, VP Finance. Oversees finances of the congregation, including exploring revenue sources and monitoring spending and income during the fiscal year. 

Marketing Committee — Develops marketing plans, places advertising, maintains temple website, handles PR, creates temple branding and marketing materials such as brochures and flyers.  

Membership Engagement Committee — chaired by Steve Sagner. Encourages and supports new members, and ensures that continuing remained connected to Woodlands. Subcommittees include prospective members (chaired by Joy Gralnick and Lauren Jenn), new members (chaired by Steve Sagner and Joel Chernoff), and longtime members (chaired by Irv Adler and Marge Glusker). 

Israel Committee — co-chaired by Jeanne Bodin and Corey Friedlander.

Chesed Committee — Let us know if you're willing to drive, prepare meals, or just provide companionship to someone in need in our community. 

Endowment Committee — chaired by Andy Farber. 

Fundraising Committee — chaired by Mike Scafidi, VP Finance. Develops and carries out events to raise money to defray the costs of various activities and works of the congregation.

Programming Committee — chaired by Heidi Gralla, VP Programming. Organizes social and cultural events for our congregants.

Youth and Family Engagement Committees — overseen by VP Education, Elizabeth Hiller, and co-chaired by Michelle Popkin and Sarah Berkowitz. Work with our Director of Congregational Learning to support and advance informal and experiential social and educational programming. 

Cemetery Committee — chaired by Michael Wiskind. Oversees sales of parcels owned by WCT at Sharon Gardens, as well as setting and reviewing congregational policies in connection with ownership and use of burial sites. 

Hevra Kaddisha —  Provides congregant-led shiva services in members’ homes when a loved one has died. Contact temple office.

College Committee — chaired by Juli Klein and Caroline Rosengarden. Facilitates contact between the congregation and our children away at college. Sends holiday mailings, and arranges vacation-time get-togethers.

Judaica Shop — chaired by Hilary Archigian and Trudy Holand. Offers high-quality Jewish merchandise for sale in the foyer outside the Sanctuary. Proceeds support temple’s operating costs.

Tue, January 14 2025 14 Tevet 5785