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B'nai Mitzvah Student Handbook

Okay, we admit it. It takes lots of hard work to become a Bar Mitzvah or a Bat Mitzvah at Woodlands. But we know that every single young person reading this paragraph can succeed. Not just because we know you’ve got it in you ... but also because we’re going to help you every step along the way. We promise.

This handbook is one of the ways we can help. There’s lots and lots of good information in here. Some of it will...Read more...

Brakhot and Tefillot

(click here to view and print pdf file)

Kiddush for Shabbat Evening


Avot V’imahot


Before The Reading of the Torah

After The Reading of Torah

Before The Reading of the Haftarah

After The Reading of the Haftarah


Bayom Hahu


Kiddush for Shabbat Morning

Shabbat Candles


When Putting On a...

Other Resources

Preparing Your D'var Torah

Tue, January 14 2025 14 Tevet 5785