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Shalom Storytime and Temple Tots

Shalom Storytime (babies to 2 year olds)
Saturday mornings - 9:30-10:00 am

Parents/grandparents/caregivers and little ones will make friends at this FREE program, as we enjoy singing and hearing stories about the Jewish holidays. This class is taught by Laurie Leibowitz, our fabulous early childhood educator, with music provided by renowned songleader, Kenny Green! No need to be a temple member or to RSVP, just come be a part of the fun (we do start on time, though!)

Temple Tots (3 and 4 year olds)
Monthly on Saturday mornings

4's meet 9-10am and 3's meet 10:05-11am

Through music, stories, and hands-on projects, these Jewish holiday-oriented sessions are designed to engage children at a young age. This class for children with their parent/grandparent/caregiver is taught by Laurie Leibowitz, our fabulous early childhood educator, with music provided by renowned songleader, Kenny Green! Registration for the year is $54- no need to be a temple member. Please email to register.

Shabbat b'Yachad

Once a Month on Fridays, 5:30-6:00pm
For babies to age 7

What is Shabbat b'Yachad? Simply put, it’s a raucous, rambunctious, noisy half-hour of prayerful fun with Rabbi Mara, Cantor Jenna, and friends. Your kids can’t stay in their seats? No problem. It’s all in keeping with the singing, jokes, story-telling, and blessings that leave everyone filled with Shabbat spirit and wearing a big grin.

Shabbat b'Yachad is a delightful entry point, both for children who are first discovering prayer and congregational worship, and for parents who have been distanced from it. It’s an open door for all to step into the ritual life of the congregation in a way that is immediately engaging and satisfying. And, for interfaith families, it can be an excellent introduction to Judaism and Jewish life.

PJ Library

We are excited to be a PJ Library partner organization! PJ Library in New York offers families the gift of free, award‐winning books that celebrate Jewish culture, values, and traditions. Beyond the books, PJ Library in New York partners with local organizations to offer exciting events and gatherings for families with young children across New York. These events are open to all!

Interested in receiving free Jewish books and resources for your family every month? It's easy!

Families with children ages 0‐8 can enroll at PJLIBRARY.ORG/NEWYORK. Families with children ages 9‐11 can enroll at PJOURWAY.ORG.

If you already receive PJ Library books, find a family event near you! Visit NEWYORK.PJLIBRARY.ORG/.

PJ Library is made possible through support from many individuals and families who join the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, UJA Federation of NY, and Genesis Philanthropy Group to inspire Jewish moments across Metro NY.

Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785