High Holiday Sermons
5784 (2023)
- Barbie, Oppenheimer & The High Holy Days (Lara Tessler, Rabbinic Intern, Erev Rosh Hashanah)
- Digging Deeper (Rabbi Mara Young, Rosh Hashanah Day 1)
- President's Remarks (Jenna Lebowich, Rosh Hashanah Morning 1)
- May I Be Empty And Open-Letting Go in the New Year (Cantor Jenna Mark, Rosh Hashanah Day 2)
- Forgiveness and Liberation (Rabbi Mara Young, Kol Nidre)
- The Cataclysm Sentence (Rabbi Mara Young and Cantor Jenna Mark, Yom Kippur Morning)
5783 (2022)
- The Cliffhanger of the New Year: How May Our Hearts Guide Us? (Lara Tessler, Rabbinic Intern, Erev Rosh Hashanah)
- Why Does the World Still Exist? (Rabbi Mara Young, Rosh Hashanah Day 1)
- President's Remarks (Jenna Lebowich, Rosh Hashanah Morning 1)
- The Spark of Creation (Cantor Jenna Mark, Rosh Hashanah Day 2)
- Divinely Imperfect (Rabbi Mara Young, Kol Nidre)
- Upholding Democracy (Rabbi Mara Young, Yom Kippur Morning)
5782 (2021)
- Growing into Teshuvah (Lara Tessler, Rabbinic Intern, Erev Rosh Hashanah)
- Covenanting for Life (Rabbi Mara Young, Rosh Hashanah Morning I)
- President's Remarks (Andy Farber, Rosh Hashanah Morning I)
- A Jewish Lens on Climate Change (Corey Friedlander, Shaliakh K'hilah,
Rosh Hashanah Morning II) - Building a Network of Compassion (Rabbi Mara Young, Kol Nidre)
- The Good Beneath (Rabbi Mara Young, Yom Kippur)
5781 (2020)
- Spinning Forward while on Pause (Zach Plesent, Rabbinic Intern, RH Evening)
- This Year, More than Anything Else, Vote! (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, RH Morning 1)
- President's Remarks (Andy Farber, RH Morning I)
- The Dawning of a New Era (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, RH Morning 2)
- Faith in God, Faith in People, Faith in Life (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Kol Nidre
- Battling Today's Goliaths (Rabbi Mara Young, Yom Kippur Morning)
- Yizkor Speaker (Jonathan Kahn on his father, Gerald Kahn)
- Yizkor Speaker (Liz Mueller on her grandfather, Herman Grackin)
- Listen (Corey Freidlander, Shabbat Shuvah)
5780 (2019)
- Blinded by the Light (Zach Plesent, Rabbinic Intern, RH Evening)
- Faith (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, RH Morning 1)
- President's Remarks (Andy Farber, RH Morning 1)
- Hope for The Future (Cantor Jonathan Gordon, RH Morning 2)
- Refugees, Immigrants and Asylum Seekers ((Corey Friedlander, Shaliakh K'hilah, Shabbat Shuvah)
- Angels from Within (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Kol Kidre)
- Walk In, Not Out (Rabbi Mara Young, YK Morning)
5779 (2018)
- Ready or Not (Zach Plesent, Rabbinic Intern, RH Evening)
- Heroes (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, RH Morning 1)
- President's Remarks (Andy Farber, RH Morning 1)
- Teach Them to Your Children (Cantor Jonathan Gordon, RH Morning 2)
- Eternal Life (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Kol Nidre)
- In the Neighborhood (Rabbi Mara Young, YK Morning)
- Yizkor Speaker (Karen Berlowitz, on her brother Michael Schreiber)
- Yizkor Speaker (Mike Winkleman, on his father Harris Winkleman)
5778 (2017)
- The Power of a Limited God (Deena Gottlieb, Rabbinic Intern, RH Evening)
- Red-Hot Coals: The Value of Membership and Volunteering at Woodlands (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, RH Morning)
- President's High Holy Days Address (Dayle Fligel, RH Morning)
- To Tell the Truth (Cantor Jonathan Gordon, RH Morning 2)
- Loving the Stranger (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Kol Nidre)
- The Boulder of Racism, the Rock of Justice (Rabbi Mara Young, YK Morning)
5777 (2016)
- Tzaddikim In Training (Jason Fenster, Rabbinic Intern, RH Evening)
- Our Yanov Torah (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, RH Morning)
- President's High Holy Days Address (Dayle Fligel, RH Morning)
- The Chosen People (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Kol Nidre)
- Singing To Water Buffalos (Rabbi Mara Young, YK Morning)
- Remembering EJ Safirstein (Jack Safirstein, Yizkor)
5776 (2015)
- The Fruit from Our Tree (Jason Fenster, Rabbinic Intern, RH Evening)
- The Woodlands Way (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, RH Morning)
- President's High Holy Days Address (Dayle Fligel, RH Morning)
- Reading Jewish (Cantor Jonathan Gordon, RH Morning 2)
- 50 Years of Modest Justice and Mercy (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Kol Nidre)
- I’m Jewish, but I’m Not Religious (Rabbi Mara Young, YK Morning)
5775 (2014)
- Toward Healing on Israel (Jason Fenster, Rabbinic Intern, RH Evening)
- Religion Versus Science? (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, RH Morning)
- President's High Holy Days Address (Stu Berlowitz, RH Morning)
- Seventeen Weeks (Cantor Jonathan Gordon, RH Morning 2)
- What Does It Mean To Turn (Corey Friedlander, Shaliakh K'hilah, Shabbat Shuvah)
- Noah: Pathway to a Second Chance (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Kol Nidre)
- Anti-Semitism ... Again (Rabbi Mara Young, YK Morning)
- Yizkor Speaker (Geri Pell, on her father Ben Eisenman)
- Yizkor Speaker (Bonnie Mitelman, on her son Stephen Lelewer)
5774 (2013)
- Talking Israel (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Rosh Hashanah Morning, 2013)
- President's High Holy Days Address (Stu Berlowitz, Rosh Hashanah, 2013)
- The Real Thing (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Kol Nidre, 2013)
- Wholly Beautiful: What we say to girls (Rabbi Mara Young, Yom Kippur Morning, 2013)
5773 (2012)
- Let There Be Light! (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Rosh Hashanah Morning, 2012)
- Eat to Live (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Kol Nidre, 2012)
- The Woodlands Family Tree (Rabbi Mara Young, Erev Rosh Hashanah, 2012)
- Parade of Nations (Rabbi Mara Young,Yom Kippur Morning, 2012)
- Absolute Final (Cantor Jonathan Ben Gordon, Rosh Hashanah Morning, 2012)
- President's High Holy Days Address (Stu Berlowitz, Rosh Hashanah, 2012)
5772 (2011)
- Religion as Metaphor or at Least as a Broadway Musical (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Rosh Hashanah Morning, 2011)
- Writing Our Book of Life (Rabbi Billy Dreskin, Yom Kippur Evening, 2011)
- A Speech for the Merit of Schoolchildren (Rabbi Mara Young, Rosh Hashanah Evening, 2011)
- At the Beginning (Rabbi Mara Young, Yom Kippur Morning, 2011)
- Welcome. So, why are we all here? (Corey Friedlander, A Service of Healing, 2011)
Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785