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Environmental Task Force

As we respond to the biblical commandment to till and tend our planet, this year we are increasing our efforts to become a "zero waste" community in both our temple and our homes. Get involved in any of our Reduce, Recycle, Reuse efforts.

We have been involved in an exciting series of environmental action events during the past year. 

Your suggestions and ideas are welcome.

  • Completed Environmental audit: including pipe insulation around water heater, reduction of energy use in air circulation, and reduction in energy use for lighting. Interested in doing this for your own home?  We’re looking to put together an Environmental Information Guest Panel to make our own homes more sustainable! 

  • Continued looking into adding solar panels to Woodlands’ building structures. Still a work in progress. 

  • Along with the Civic Engagement Task Force and Racial Justice Task Force, we became involved in RAC-NY’s climate change work. 

  • Attended the NY Jewish Climate Summit.

  • Our zero-waste campaign, begun last year, has become fully integrated into Woodlands. When you see the Compost, Recycling, and Trash bins on our campus, remember that all of the plates, cups, and cutlery at WCT are compostable!  

  • Plans for a multi-task force led Tu b’Shevat observance fell through and, instead, we created a Tu b’Shevat newsletter.

  • Woodlands’ raised bed vegetable garden has been installed and is being tended to through member volunteer list. Veggies grown should be donated to Dobbs Ferry Food Pantry. Thanks to Avital and Sam Miro for leading this project.  

Click HERE for advocacy efforts

Midrash Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) Rabbah 7:20 
Upon creating the first human beings, God guided them around the Garden of Eden, saying; Look at my creations! See how beautiful and perfect they are! I created everything for you. Make sure you don’t ruin or destroy My world. If you do, there will be no one after you to fix it.


Leaders: Kirsten Kleinman and Andy Farber,

Thu, February 13 2025 15 Sh'vat 5785